April 15th, 2023 in Sandals Ochi

Until we get Married!

Dawn McGinnis

As I drove to the restaurant R2L on April 11th, 2016, I had no idea how much my life was about to change. I had no expectations however by the end of the date I knew there was something special about this man. It intrigued me to want to learn more. With each date Tony always wanted to take a picture. I thought he was crazy. Now I appreciate the memories we have created and will continue to make. As I reflect on our love journey, I am amazed at it contents. With each photo I see lessons learned, growth, adventure, ups and downs, perservance, but most of all love, happiness and commitment. We have shared so much together in the past 5+ years. I could not let go then and I will not let go now. As I look back on the journey that has bought us this far, I am excited to continue this journey that God has blessed us with. When I think about my future all I know is that I can not picture it without you Tony. So excited to see all that God has planned for us. I love you...I love us. Our first date was April 11th, 2016 and what better time to marry you then on April 15th, 2023.

Tony Elmore

When I first spotted you at the mall I said Wow she is gorgeous but even more pleasant was the fact that your inner beauty matched your outer beauty. The challenge of getting to know you and what really fills your needs will always be a continuing job for me. But with God's help and divine guidance I am certain I will be the godly man that you need. The love I have for you is unconditional. Everything we have experienced together have paved the way to our decisions about life that bought us to this moment. I love you gorgeous now and forever


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