
Almost Time

I am certain no one is visiting this site to find blogs from me, but I figure it is a good way for me to look back in 20 years and see where my head was during this time.  There are now 21 days before the big day.  Most everything has been taken care of and the minor touches are being made.

This experience has convinced me I have some pretty amazing family and friends.  I don't think anyone's tribe is better than mine!!  Through it all, my process has been pretty easy and effortless, but to those around me, I am sure they have been stressed.  They have habdled the stress with grace and so far done and outstanding job!

I am positive our wedding, our time in Turks and Caicos and our union will be amazing with the continued support and community each of you offer.  

If i don't make it back to the blog before our wonderful day, I want to say THANK YOU to each of you and I LOVE YOU MOST!!

Things I did not know

Hey Peeps,

I have not written on here in almost 200 days, give or take.  Over the time I have been away, apparently in this wedding preparation process there were some things I did not know. 

The first thing I did not know:

If you take too long creating a registry, your wedding party will create one for you.  Yes apparently I took too long and there is a third registry for us on Amazon.  Search our name. 

I also did not know if you take too long ordering gifts from Amazon, one person will order everything and leave others to look else where. Blame Michele if you cannot find what you thought you wanted us to have from Amazon.

The next thing I did not know is men have no need, clue or desire to be active in the process of creating registries. Furthest thing from their will house.  I thought maybe since it was for US he would want to assist. NOPE

However, in creating said registries I did not know I was suppose to tell him they had been established so when gifts started showing up . . .

The BIGGEST thing I did not know was/is how fast time flies.  Like it was just February and I had 9 months to get this thing together.  People . . . ITS ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT IN JULY.  There are only 111 days left. UGH

New Focus

Less than 200 days until the big day and what am I thinking about . . . losing weight.  I know many of you reading this are shaking your heads.  STOP. My mother's cooking, Covid-19 and let one of my "blessings" tell it, being happy, I have gained weight. No I am not 500lbs but-er-rah-um yeah. Anyway all I need now is to get motivated.  So here's to MOTIVATION - who's with me?


Well, I just ordered favors.  I guess it is officially starting. I think I am gettig excited, I am not sure. I can say I am doing more to make it happen. I am thinking the fact I am only 7 months out has something to do with it. 

It's getting closer!!!

BTW:  I will get him to fill in his take on our story soon.  FINGERS CROSSED!!!


The history of the dress search is funny now, I am sure at the time it was stessing everyone around me, especially my mom!

I think I did about 10 bridal shops, give or take.  Even traveled to the ATL looking.  I suggested to my mom that maybe I should look alone, thinking she would say no . . . . Her response "Yeah I think so and when you find smething you like just call me and I will come look at it." That is not how that was suppose to go.  LOL

4 months, 2 states and 10 stores later, I have ordered my dress.  Funny thing is, my mind is now questioning if I made the right decision.  I know I know, the good thing is there is no refund so I cannot change my mind.  On to the next impossible decision. Pray for my mom.  LOL

300 Days

Ok, 300 days until and guess what I have done . . . Nothing.  People keep checking on my stress levels and how things are going.  They are going.  I will get motivated here soon I am sure.  I do know the colors, the date and the location.  That is if Covid-19 is cooperative, if not I will be seeing everyone in Illinois or maybe Mississippi.  Keep you posted